Merino Wool Shawl with Green and Brown Embroidery Mirror Work

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₹ 6,500.00

Regular price
₹ 7,280.00
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Kutch Village desi handmade Woollen shawl made up of merino wool.

The weaving industry of Gujarat has a rich and diverse heritage. This merino wool shawl is an example of the craftsmanship honed by the people of Kutch. Delicate threads of cotton and wool are handwoven together to make the fabric strong and winterproof. The ends of the shawl are then decorated with embroidery into a chevron design and embellished with the characteristic mirror work of Western India. There are various embroidery styles that adorn the length of this shawl and create a finished product that boasts of a long History. The pattern darning stitch create the lehar on the edges of the elegant shawl whereas the  straight, running and buttonhole stitch adds detail to the body. The signature effect of the colorful embroidery sparkles when small mirrors called abhla are sewn over the geometrically shaped designs. To own a piece of this art is to own a piece of history that binds Gujarat with Germany, Greece, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.  


Material: Soft Merino Wool, cotton and silk. Professional Cleaning Only for long life of the artefact.

Size: 38 inches wide, 85 inches long

Material: Merino WoolÂ